A Year-Long Eucharistic Celebration in Praise and Thanksgiving
December 8, 2014 — December 8, 2015
With joy and humble thanksgiving, our community of Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters in Philadelphia celebrates 100 Years—a Jubilee of Perpetual Adoration. From the continual Source of Living Water, our Sisters are renewed each and every day by Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Living in an unbroken dialogue with God, as Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters we embark on a journey of silence, prayer and penance, aiming to draw others to the Spring of Life.
The Convent of Divine Love in Philadelphia was the first convent of the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters after the Motherhouse. Today, the Sisters adore the Eucharistic Lord in 22 houses in 12 countries, in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America. Explore our milestones over the past 100 years, and join us as we thank our Lord for His love and fidelity. As at our founding, today we continue to live out our vocation and strive to become ever closer to the mystery of God’s love.
May the newly-established tabernacle be an inexhaustible source of grace for the city of Philadelphia, the great Archdiocese, and the whole world. I hope the good Sisters will never lack zeal and devotion and give much joy to you.
Mother Mary Michael to Archbishop Edmond Prendergast, July 2, 1915
December 8, 2014—Immaculate Conception
Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, OFM Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
Very Rev. Georges G. Thiers, CO
Rev. Kevin J. Gallagher
December 25, 2014—Christmas
Mass at 7:00 a.m.
Rev. Philip G. Buchanski, CO
Rev. John P. McNamee
Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Rev. Msgr. Richard Malone
January 1, 2015—Mother of God
Rev. Eduardo G. Montero
January 4, 2015—Epiphany
Rev. Christopher Redcay
Rev. Arul A. Selvanayagam
January 15, 2015—St. Arnold Janssen
Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Rev. Raymond Lennon and SVD Confreres
February 2, 2015—Presentation of the Lord
Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Most Rev. John J. McIntyre
Rev. Paul C. Convery, CO
Rev. Msgr. Paul A. DiGirolamo
February 25, 2015—Death Anniversary
Mother M. Michael, Co-foundress
Rev. Joseph C. Dieckhaus
Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Powell
March 19, 2015—St. Joseph
Rev. Joseph E. Howarth
March 25, 2015—Annunciation
Rev. Stephen P. DeLacy
April 12, 2015—Divine Mercy
Rev. Efren V. Esmilla
May 14, 2015—Ascension
Rev. Peter Welsh
May 24, 2015—Pentecost
Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Most Rev. Michael J. Fitzgerald
Rev. Gerald Dennis Gill
Rev. Edward P. Kuczynski
May 31, 2015—Holy Trinity
Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Most Rev. Robert P. Maginnis
Rev. Peter J. DiMaria
Rev. James J. MacNew, OSFS
June 3, 2015—100th Foundation Anniversary
Rev. Thomas Krosnicki, SVD
June 7, 2015—Corpus Christi
Mass at 10:00 a.m.
Most Rev. Timothy C. Senior
Rev. Daniel E. Mackle
Rev. Efren V. Esmilla
June 12, 2015—Sacred Heart
Rev. Gerald Dennis Gill
June 29, 2015—Sts. Peter and Paul
Rev. Msgr. Joseph J. Anderlonis
August 15, 2015—Assumption
Rev. Sean P. Bransfield
September 8, 2015—Nativity of Mary
Rev. Douglas M. McKay
Rev. Vincent Guest
September 29, 2015—Archangels
Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Sullivan
November 1, 2015—All Saints
Rev. Philip J. Lowe
November 22, 2015—Christ the King
Rev. Daniel E. Mackle
November 28, 2015—Blessed Maria Virgo
Rev. Peter Burkauskas
December 8, 2015—Immaculate Conception
Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Most Rev. Joseph Francis Martino
Rev. Joseph J. Anderlonis
Rev. Brian Gaffney, CO